With the development of modern industrialization, the vehicle is being used by more and more people.
The Tektronix Inc J series traffic information radar applies frequency modulation continuous wave (FMCW) microwave detection technology and high-speed digital signal processing (DSP) technology.
The operating frequency band of unmanned radar has been extended from microwave to millimeter wave band.
WHST STA77-5 long range radar scores high in C-NCAP test
The STA77-5 radar is a 77GHz high-resolution long-range radar millimeter wave radar independently developed by WHST.
WHST releases new version STA79-2 short-range radar. Let's guard your travelling.
The STA79-2 short-range radar is a 77G Hz millimeter wave automotive radar product independently developed by WHST. At the beginning of 2020, we are honored to announce that we release the upgraded version of STA79-2. Compared with the previous version, the longest detection distance of this product has been increased to 110m, and the distance resolution and angular resolution of the radar have been greatly improved.
WHST new STA79-3 high-resolution short-range radar-makes parking stress-free!
STA79-3 high-resolution short-range radar is an automotive radar product using 77GHz technology independently developed by WHST. The product uses multiple input and multiple output + angle super-resolution (MIMO + ASR) technology to improve the resolution of distance and angle.
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