STA77-5 High-resolution Long Range Radar
STA77-5 High-resolution Long Range RadarSTA77 - 5 High-resolution Long Range Radar is a 77GHz millimeter wave radarindependently developed by WHST.Through wide and narrow beam switchingand MIMO+DBF (Digital Beam Forming)technology to improve the angular resolutionand detection range, it can accuratelymeasure the distance, speed and angle ofthe target vehicle within 210m in the front,and it has three-dimensional resolutionability. The radar can identify multiple targetvehicles in front, provide accurate andreal-time road information, to ensure thesafety. It can simultaneously realize thefollowing functions, such as FCW (ForwardCollision Warning), AEB (AutonomousEmergency Braking), and ACC (AdaptiveCruise Control). At the same time, it canalso perform multi-sensor fusion withvision sensors, LiDAR, and corner radars toprovide millimeter-wave radar solutionsfor L2-L4 autonomous driving, for exampleTJA/HWA . |
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